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Url Encode & Decode Converter Tool

URL Encode Tool Online

URL Decode Online Tool

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Online URL Encode & Decode Converter Tool.

Online URL Encode & Decode Converter Tool ensures the URL is correctly interpreted by web browsers, servers, and other devices. (URL) encoding is the process of converting special characters in a URL into a format and transmitting over the internet. 

Special characters in a URL, such as spaces, punctuation marks, and non-ASCII characters, can cause errors when transmitted over the internet. 

To prevent these errors, URL encoding replaces special characters with a sequence of characters that can be safely transmitted over the internet. 

In this article, we will discuss URL encoding and decoding, and we will also explore some of the best online URL encoding and decoding tools.

URL Encoding

It converts special characters in a URL into a format and transmits them over the internet. 
URL encoder online replaces special characters with a sequence of characters and safely transmits them over the internet. 

The special characters encoded in a URL include spaces, punctuation marks, and non-ASCII characters. 

When a special character is encountered in a URL, it is replaced with a percent sign (%) followed by a two-digit hexadecimal number that represents the ASCII code of the character.

For example, the space character is represented by %20 in a URL. The exclamation mark (!) is represented by %21, and the pound sign (#) is represented by %23.

Non-ASCII characters, such as accented letters and special symbols, are also encoded in a similar way. 

If a special character is not encoded, it can cause errors when transmitted over the internet. For example, if a URL contains a space character, some web browsers may interpret the space as the end of the URL and ignore the rest of the characters.

URL Decoding

URL decoding is the way to convert encoded characters in a URL back to their original form. It is necessary when a web server or a web browser receives a URL that has been encoded. 

The server or the browser must decode the URL to interpret it correctly.
To decode a URL, the browser or the server reads the URL and identifies any encoded characters. 

Encoded characters are identified by the presence of a percent sign (%) followed by a two-digit hexadecimal number. 

The browser or the server then replaces the encoded character with its corresponding ASCII character.

Online URL Encoding and Decoding Tools

There are many online URL encoding and decoding tools available that can help you encode or decode a URL quickly and easily. 

These tools are usually free to use and require no installation or special software. In this section, we will explore some of the best online URL encoding and decoding tools.

URL Encode Decode

It is a simple and easy-to-use online URL encoding and decoding tool. The tool allows you to encode or decode a URL by simply pasting the URL into the text box and clicking the appropriate button. 

The tool supports both URL encoding and decoding and can handle special characters, spaces, and non-ASCII characters.

URL Encode Decode also provides a useful feature that allows you to encode or decode a URL component. 
A URL component is part of a URL that appears after a question mark (?), a hash sign (#), or a slash (/). Encoding or decoding a URL component can be useful if you need to manipulate a specific part

Online URL Encode

It is another simple and easy-to-use online tool for encoding URLs. The tool allows you to encode a URL by pasting it into the text box and clicking the "Encode" button. The encoded URL is displayed in the text box below.

Online URL Encode can handle special characters, spaces, and non-ASCII characters, and it provides a useful feature that allows you to encode or decode a URL component. 
The tool also provides a "Copy" button that allows you to copy the encoded URL to the clipboard.

URL Decoder/Encoder

It is a free online tool that allows you to decode or encode a URL. The tool supports both URL encoding and decoding and can handle special characters, spaces, and non-ASCII characters.

URL Decoder/Encoder allows you to encode or decode a URL by simply pasting the URL into the text box and clicking the appropriate button. 
The tool also provides a useful feature that allows you to encode or decode a URL component.

Base64 Encode/Decode

It is a free online tool. Base64 Encode/Decode allows you to encode or decode a string using Base64 encoding. Base64 encoding is a type of encoding that converts binary data into ASCII text format. 

It encodes binary data, such as images or sound files, in a format that can be transmitted over the Internet.

Base64 Encode/Decode allows you to encode or decode a string by simply pasting the string into the text box and clicking the appropriate button. 

The tool can handle special characters, spaces, and non-ASCII characters, and it provides a "Copy" button that allows you to copy the encoded or decoded string to the clipboard.

PHP URL Encoder/Decoder

It is a free online tool that allows you to encode or decode a URL using PHP's built-in functions for URL encoding and decoding. 

The tool supports both URL encoding and decoding and can handle special characters, spaces, and non-ASCII characters.

PHP URL Encoder/Decoder allows you to encode or decode a URL by simply pasting the URL into the text box and clicking the appropriate button. 
The tool also provides a useful feature that allows you to encode or decode a URL component.

What are the Benefits of URL Encoder Online?   

There are several benefits of using an online URL encoder. Here are a few:

Convenient and Easy to Use 

Online URL encoders are typically free to use and require no installation or special software. All you need is an internet connection.and a web browser.
Simply enter the URL that you want to encode, click a button, and the encoded URL is generated.

Saves Time 

Online URL encoders are quick and easy to use. You can encode a URL in just a few seconds, which saves you time and effort.

Ensures Data Security 

URL encoding ensures data security. It prevents data from being intercepted or modified in transit. 
By encoding the URL, you can protect sensitive information from being accessed by unauthorized parties.

Handles Special Characters 

URLs often contain special characters such as spaces, punctuation marks, and non-ASCII characters that can cause issues when transmitted over the internet. 
Online URL encoders can handle these special characters.

Works with different Programming languages 

Online URL encoders can be useful with different programming languages such as PHP, JavaScript, and Python. 

This makes them a versatile tool for developers and website owners who work with different programming languages.

Encodes and decodes URLs: Some online URL encoders also provide a URL decoding function. 
This allows you to decode an encoded URL back to its original form. This can be useful when you need to analyze or modify a URL.

In summary, online URL encoders are a convenient, easy-to-use tool that can help you encode URLs quickly and securely. 

They handle special characters, work with different programming languages, and can ensure data security. 
Some online URL encoders also provide a URL decoding function, which adds to their versatility.


URL encoding and decoding are important processes. It replaces special characters in a URL with a sequence of characters that safely transmits over the internet, while URL decoding converts encoded characters back to their original form.

There are many online URL encoding and decoding tools available that can help you encode or decode a URL quickly and easily. 

These tools are usually free to use and require no installation or special software. Some of the best online URL encoding and decoding tools include URL Encode Decode, Online URL Encode, URL 

Decoder/Encoder, Base64 Encode/Decode, and PHP URL Encoder/Decoder. 
By using these tools, you can ensure that your URLs are correctly encoded and decoded and that they are transmitted over the internet safely and securely.

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