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Supercharge Your Soldier Shape: Calculate Your Army Body Fat Percentage In Seconds!

Army Body Fat Calculator

Army Body Fat Calculator

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Army Body Fat Calculator


Army Body Fat Calculator: How to Calculate Body Fat Percentage for the Army

Maintaining a healthy body fat percentage is crucial for soldiers in the Army. To ensure that every soldier is physically fit and ready for duty, the Army uses a set of body fat standards that are based on age, gender, and height. 

Soldiers who do not meet the required body fat standards may face disciplinary actions or even be discharged from the Army. 

In this article, we will discuss how to calculate body fat percentage for the Army using the Army Body Fat Calculator, as well as other methods for measuring body fat.

What is an Army Body Fat Calculator?

The Army Body Fat Calculator is a tool used to calculate an individual's body fat percentage based on their age, height, and circumference measurements. 

It is commonly used by the US Army to ensure that soldiers meet the body fat requirements for their age and gender.

How to Use an Army Body Fat Calculator

Using an Army Body Fat Calculator is simple and straightforward. To get started, you will need to input your age, height, neck circumference, and waist circumference. The calculator will then provide you with your estimated body fat percentage.

The Army has set body fat percentage standards that soldiers must meet based on their age and gender. 

If your estimated body fat percentage is above the standard for your age and gender, you may be required to take action to reduce your body fat percentage.

Benefits of Using an Army Body Fat Calculator

Using an Army Body Fat Calculator can offer numerous benefits for individuals looking to improve their health and meet the Army's body fat requirements. 

It allows individuals to monitor their body fat percentage and take action to reduce it if necessary. Additionally, it can help individuals set realistic goals and track their progress.

army height and weight calculator

Army Body Fat Standards

The Army Body Fat Standards are based on a maximum body fat percentage that varies by age, gender, and height. The maximum body fat percentages are as follows:

Males: 18-21 years: 22%; 22-29 years: 24%; 30-39 years: 26%; 40+ years: 28%
Females: 18-21 years: 30%; 22-29 years: 32%; 30-39 years: 34%; 40+ years: 36%
To determine if a soldier meets the body fat standards, the Army uses the Army Body Fat Calculator or the tape test method.

Army Body Fat Calculator

The Army Body Fat Calculator is a tool used to determine the body fat percentage of a soldier based on their height, weight, and gender. This tool is available online and can be easily accessed by anyone. The steps to use the Army Body Fat Calculator are as follows:

Step 1: Enter the soldier's height in inches.
Step 2: Enter the soldier's weight in pounds.
Step 3: Select the soldier's gender.
Step 4: Click on the "Calculate" button.

Once you click on the "Calculate" button, the Army Body Fat Calculator will display the soldier's body fat percentage and whether they meet the Army's body fat standards.

Tape Test Method

The tape test method is another method used to measure body fat percentage in the Army. This method involves measuring the circumference of the soldier's neck and waist. The measurements are then entered into a formula to determine the body fat percentage.

While the tape test method is widely used in the Army, it has been criticized for its accuracy. Inaccurate measurements can lead to soldiers being misclassified as over their body fat limit, leading to disciplinary actions or even discharge.

Other Methods for Measuring Body Fat

In addition to the Army Body Fat Calculator and the tape test method, there are other methods for measuring body fat. These include:

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan: 

This is a medical imaging technique that measures bone density and body fat percentage.

Hydrostatic weighing: 

This method involves submerging the body in water and measuring the displaced water to calculate body density, which is then used to calculate body fat percentage.

Skinfold calipers: 

This method involves pinching the skin at various locations on the body and measuring the thickness of the skinfold to estimate body fat percentage.

army bmi calculator

Tips for Using an Army Body Fat Calculator

Here are some tips to help you use an Army Body Fat Calculator effectively:

Use it regularly: 

Use the calculator regularly to monitor your body fat percentage and track your progress.
Be consistent: Take your measurements at the same time of day and under similar conditions to ensure consistency.

Use it as a tool: 

Use the calculator as a tool to help you set realistic goals and track your progress, but do not let it dictate your self-worth.

Read this too, 


An Army Body Fat Calculator is a useful tool for individuals looking to monitor their body fat percentage and meet the Army's body fat requirements. 

By using the calculator regularly and following the tips outlined in this article, you can set realistic goals, track your progress, and improve your overall health. 

Remember to use it regularly, be consistent, and use it as a tool to help you meet your goals.


What is the Army Body Fat Calculator?

The Army Body Fat Calculator is a tool used to measure the body fat percentage of soldiers in the United States Army to ensure that they meet the required standards.

How is the body fat percentage calculated?

The body fat percentage is calculated using the soldier's height, weight, and other physical measurements such as neck and waist circumference. The calculator then uses a formula to estimate the percentage of body fat.

What are the Army's body fat standards?

The Army's body fat standards vary based on age and gender. For example, a male soldier aged 17-20 must have a body fat percentage below 20%, while a female soldier in the same age range must have a body fat percentage below 30%.

What happens if a soldier fails the body fat test?

If a soldier fails the body fat test, they may be subject to further testing and counseling. Depending on the severity of the situation, they may also be at risk of being discharged from the Army.

How can a soldier reduce their body fat percentage?

Soldiers can reduce their body fat percentage through a combination of diet and exercise. The Army provides resources such as nutrition classes and physical training programs to help soldiers achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

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