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Source Code Formatter Online Tool For Blogger

The Xoom Online Source Code Formatter Tool Translate Code Fragment into HTML Safe String.
Paste your source code into the source code area then click the "Format" button.

Source code(Paste your source code below then click Format button):

Font Colour:  Background Colour:

Formatted Code:


Source Code Formatter

Source Code Formatter

Source code is a set of instructions written in a programming language that a computer can interpret and execute. It is the foundation of computer programs and applications that we use every day. 

As a developer, it's important to write code that is not only functional but also easy to read and understand. One way to achieve this is by using a consistent and clean source code format.

What is Source Code Format?

Source code format refers to the layout and organization of code in a programming language. It includes things like indentation, spacing, line breaks, and the use of comments to make code more readable and understandable.

Good source code formatting makes it easier for other developers to read and understand the code. It also makes it easier to identify errors and bugs in the code. 

Consistent formatting can also help maintain a cohesive codebase, as multiple developers can work on the same project and understand each other's code.

What is a Source Code Beautifier?

A source code beautifier is a tool that automatically formats source code according to a specific set of rules. 

It can be used to improve the readability and consistency of code, as well as to correct common formatting mistakes.

Source code beautifiers typically allow you to specify options such as indentation style, line length, and other formatting preferences. 

They can be used to format code in a variety of programming languages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python.

Code Snippets for Blogging

Code snippets are small pieces of code that are used to illustrate a specific concept or technique. 

They can be used in blog posts to provide examples of code and to help readers understand how to use certain programming languages or frameworks.

Code snippets can be added to blog posts using a variety of methods. One way is to simply copy and paste the code into the blog post. 

However, this can result in code that is difficult to read and understand, especially if the formatting is not preserved.

Another way to add code snippets to blog posts is to use a syntax highlighter. Syntax highlighters are tools that can format code snippets to make them more readable and easier to understand. 

They typically use color-coding and other formatting options to highlight different parts of the code.

Free Tools for Source Code Formatting

There are a variety of free tools available that can help with source code formatting. Some of the most popular include:


It is a code formatter that can be used with a variety of programming languages, including JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Markdown. 

It automatically formats code according to a set of rules, and can be configured to match specific formatting preferences.


It is a code beautifier that can be used with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It can be used to format code in a variety of ways, including indentation, line breaks, and whitespace.


It is a syntax highlighting editor that can be used to display and edit code in a variety of programming languages. 

CodeMirror includes a variety of features that can make it easier to write and edit code, including autocomplete, code folding, and multiple cursors.

Source Code Formatter for Blogger

If you use Blogger to host your blog and want to display code snippets, it's important to use a source code formatter to ensure that your code is readable and easy to understand. 

Fortunately, there are several free source code formatter tools that are specifically designed for use with Blogger.

One popular option is the Syntax Highlighter Evolved plugin, which is available for free on the Blogger platform. 

This plugin uses syntax highlighting to display code snippets, making them easier to read and understand.

To use the Syntax Highlighter Evolved plugin, simply install the plugin on your blog and add your code snippet to your blog post. 

You can then use a special formatting tag to specify the programming language and other formatting options for your code snippet.


Source code formatting is an important aspect of programming that can greatly improve the readability and understandability of your code. 

By using a consistent and clean source code format, you can make your code easier to read, understand, and maintain.

There are a variety of free tools available for source code formatting, including code beautifiers, syntax highlighters, and plugins for blogging platforms like Blogger. 

By using these tools, you can ensure that your code snippets are formatted correctly and are easy for your readers to understand.

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